Tuesday, March 23, 2010


10 reasons why e-commerce succeeded

1. People find it more convenient to shop online

2. There is a huge market for second hand items being sold online

3. People turn to the net when they are searching for niche products

4. People tend to do research about a product that they are interested online

5. Shopping online can be done at any time of the day

6. Businesses can reach out to customers from all over the world instead of locally

7. E-commerce has a very low startup and running cost

8. Businesses can provide more information about their services or products online

9. Online payment has become more secured nowadays

10. Businesses require less manpower for operation

Best e-commerce site

1. amazon.com

2. dell

3. apple store


5. eBay

6. wine.com

7. carsdirect.com

8. onsale

9. dash.com

10. clinique

10 reasons why e-commerce fail

1. Poor advertising to drive traffic to website

2. Website is not updated regularly on new products

3. Website does not provide enough information on products

4. Poor pictures of products

5. No online support or help for customers

6. High shipping cost

7. Insecure way of online payment

8. Orders are limited to local purchase only

9. Hard to navigate website

10. Too many websites selling the same product

10 failed ecom website

1. Webvan.com

2. pets.com

3. kozmo

4. flooz.com

5. etoys.com

6. boo.com

7. mvp.com

8. go.com

9. kibu.com

10. govworks.com

How to make E-marketing a success.

Plan for success, develop a marketing plan. Plan how much money to invest on advertising and sofeware development.

Write down all the great things about you and your company and what you and your company has achieved. Use tools like email, blogs and search engines to broadcast this to the rest of the world.

Find all more about your clients by using surveys or find out their clicking habits. Use this info to direct more traffic to your website.

Make sure your website is hosted on a server with enough bandwidth to handle the traffic. Domain name must reflect on your company and not some random name.

Content is king on the web. Your site should have content to entice people to your web, however it should not be misleading as well.

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